CANNEPP Boiler Room Technologies is the authority on boilers. We’re experts in big boilers, small boilers and everything in between. If there is a conversation about boilers we want to be a part of it. Our mission is to provide our clients with efficient and reliable boiler systems that meet their needs. From installation and repair to modification and replacement, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service.

The industry-leading products and excellent service offered by our team is what sets us apart in this competitive market. We offer boilers, room equipment & supplies for any type of commercial application that you might need!

Industrial & Commercial Boilers Vancouver BC

Vancouver Industrial Boilers are the most efficient way to produce heat for your commercial or industrial application. Boiler room products meet all of these needs with their industry-leading design, energy efficiency and long term performance!


CANNEPP is an BC Boiler Equipment servicing company that operates in Canada. With top priority being safety and optimal performance, they ensure satisfaction with a diverse team of skilled technicians.


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