Snap Up Real Estate is on a mission to make finding your next place easier.
There’s a lot of information, tools, and professionals available. Snap Up Real Estate is here to help sort through it all.

You’ll find all the residential listings from and listings from partners who sync their listings to With an account, you can create a list of your favourite listings to keep an eye on and you can be alerted when new listings are posted which match your ‘Saved Search’.

We want to make Snap Up Real Estate better
Now that we’ve moved 3.0 to Beta status, our focus is to improve the usability while adding helpful information, tools, and connecting peopl with the answers they’re looking for. We’d sincerely appreciate your genuine feedback. If something is not working or doesn’t make sense, please let us know –

Our goal is to make Snap Up as simple & easy as possible.

Social Responsibility
We’re proud to give back! 50% of our profits are pledged to causes we support!


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